Fri Mar 14 2025


What it is and what it offers

The University of Turin offers enrolled students a tutoring service, with the aim of reducing drop-out rates, preventing drop-out and delayed studies and promoting active participation in university life in all its forms, through:

  • welcoming activities for freshmen such as the "Welcome Freshmen" ("Benvenuto matricole", meeting days organised by the study courses, dedicated to freshmen and scheduled during the first week of classes)
  • support activities for first-year students by student tutors 
  • study assistance - in person and online - for enrolled students who need support in preparing for an exam
  • advice on courses and study programmes
  • support in finding information on international mobility, on scholarships in Italy and abroad, on specific forms of right to study (scholarships, collaboration contracts) and on curricular traineeships
  • provision of special tools and services (peer tutoring for students with disabilities and for students with DSA) for the integration of students with disabilities and students with DSA

 Students enrolled at the University of Turin.

Tutoring desks and contacts

For more information please consult the website of your degree program or contact the tutoring desks of your School or Department